News & Blogs - Gender Free World — Fashion & Styles

7 things that change when women wear 'mens' clothes

7 things that change when women wear 'mens' clothes

Women wearing men’s clothes is fast becoming more widespread than ever before. Around 64% of women have worn men’s clothes before. But what are the things that change for women shopping the men’s section? As a fan of wearing ‘mens’ clothes, I’ve noticed a number of things...

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Beyond menswear, how to dress like a dapper woman or person

Beyond menswear, how to dress like a dapper woman or person

Menswear, womenswear, we are so over that concept as you know! The term dapper has been primarily applied to menswear aesthetics but in the last few decades this is changing and we know many of our customers have this look down regardless of their gender. Here are some tips on how to look dapper and some fantastic accompanying pics of stylish dapper folk. Where did the word dapper come from? Originally, it was a Middle Low German or Middle Dutch word meaning ‘strong, stout or bold.’ Though it later evolved to mean elegant, attractive and well-dressed…with particular emphasis on the last...

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Gender evolution - GFW & Lightning Like Scissors collaborative project

Gender evolution - GFW & Lightning Like Scissors collaborative project

Gender Neutral - Gender Evolution - Gender Free; a natural progression. Brighton-based companies Gender Free World (GFW) and Lightning Like Scissors are pleased to announce their collaborative project challenging the dominant notions of gender and identity. The  theme is Gender Evolution – honouring the life-changing protest that has given us freedom and paved the way for us to express ourselves openly in our daily lives. Whether it be through the broad spectrum of gender identities or our sexuality, we wanted to acknowledge how far we have come by resisting centuries old norms, and how far we have still to go by continuing to...

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Fat fashion – how do I start?

Fat fashion – how do I start?

For a long time, being fat/plus-size/curvy/whatever you want to call it, has been mutually exclusive with keeping up with fashion trends. With a recent surge in followers, although fatshion has been around for a while, it’s now that brands are really starting to take notice of it.

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10 ways to rejuvenate your Spring wardrobe

10 ways to rejuvenate your Spring wardrobe

Guest blog by fashion writer Elly Morris Going from winter to warmer weather is the perfect time to change up your style. Instead of covering up with layers of warm clothing, you can experiment with different outfits and new ways of wearing the clothes you had forgotten about over the winter. So whether you’re on the beach or gazing at the sun out of your office window, here are some tips to help your spring wardrobe go the extra mile. Charity shops If you’re fed up of everything on the high street, why not go to your local charity shop? If...

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What is a capsule wardrobe? A sustainable clothing solution.

What is a capsule wardrobe? A sustainable clothing solution.

What is a capsule wardrobe and how do you choose the what is in it? It’s essentially a way of streamlining your wardrobe and taking the stress out of fashion so you can actually enjoy the outfit you are wearing.

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High Heels: Beauty Is Pain, Apparently

High Heels: Beauty Is Pain, Apparently

High heels, love them, hate them - but I’m sure we can all agree they’re not the most comfortable of shoes to wear. A quick Google search shows that when we type in ‘Why are high heels...’ the first automatic...

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Women wearing men's clothes: a potted history

Women wearing men's clothes: a potted history

From purposely passing as men to the advent of women wearing trousers, women have been wearing clothes traditionally intended for men for centuries. I’m not just talking about drag kings, but also women wearing men’s clothes on a regular basis - just because they’re more practical, they’re making a statement....

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