News & Blogs - Gender Free World

Big Boobs And Button Down Shirts!

Big Boobs And Button Down Shirts!

Long sleeve shirts for busty women - avoiding the gape?  In the first few months of 2016 we’ve seen the launch of gender neutral clothing lines from Zara, Levi’s and our own brand of ‘clothing without labels’ designed for individuals regardless of their gender. It’s an exciting time but despite the intentions of the more mainstream brands being sound, have they actually thought about one of the major hurdles all gender neutral clothing needs to address, mainly MY BOOBS. When we first started discussing shirts here at Gender Free World I was uncharacteristically committed to my long standing statement: ‘I...

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Gender Neutral Clothing Company Launch

Gender Free World (GFW), a Brighton-based start-up providing clothing and products for individuals regardless of their gender, revealed their new brand of ‘clothing without labels’ at an exclusive event in the city on the 16th March.

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Only a couple of weeks more

We've had a busy 2015 commissioning the designs for our shirts, ordering fabrics and finding the right manufacturer. All this takes time, especially when we are making sure that every detail is correct and the fabric we are using is of the best quality.  I'm pleased to say that we are almost there and we expect to have all shirts in stock by February 1st. Thanks for waiting and please do sign up for our newsletter to a get a discount code and get up to date information about all our products, including our summer short sleeve range.    

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