By Beth Kennedy
For those of us in the northern hemisphere summer is inching closer. Check out this season's coolest looks.
Photo https://hawaiian-shirt-shop.co.uk/
Loud and proud shirts
Hawaiian-style shirts are either in or out...there never seems to be an in between. At the moment they’re very much “in” (hooray, because I love them!). Tiki-style shirts and 90s paisley-esque shirts are also very on trend right now. In fact, loud shirts in general look like they’re sticking around for a while. It’s a good job GFW Clothing sell lots of incredible patterned short-sleeved shirts for the summer, and good news we will be releasing our very own hawaiian shirt too!
Credit: Instagram stylenanda_korea
“Annie Hall” suits
This should actually be called “Diane Keaton” suits, after all - the woman is renowned for her dapper sense of style. Think big blazers, high-waist trousers and large floppy sun hats - it’s all about pairing “masculine” tweedy colours with flowy 1940s gangster-style cuts. Even though it looks like a winter trend, the billowy nature of the clothes will definitely keep you cool during the hotter months...and save you from sunburn! Cropped luxe suits teamed with graphic tees are also set to be a hit this summer...I highly recommend GFW’s new slogan tees paired with a silky luxe suit - fabulous!
Credit: Marc Jacobs
Super suave skirts and long dresses
Billy Porter may have been responsible for the popularity of long skirts on the runway this summer. Not only did he look absolutely wonderful, he paired it with a tux for a super glamorous look - which we mentioned in our previous style blog for spring. Long skirts and long grungy dresses are here to stay for the summer. The effortlessly glamour-meets-edgy look is perfect for the beach and pretty damn comfy too! It’s all about mixing traditionally feminine looks with a gothic twist.
Photo credit: ASOS
Let it shine
No matter what your gender, high-shine fabrics are here to stay for a long time! This futuristic look is known as “holographic style.” The beauty of this trend is you can find almost any item of clothing in a high-shine fabric - from skinny jeans to vest tops. They’re going to be a big hit at festivals this year, lemme tell you!
Photo credit: House of Holland
True colours
When I say vivid, I mean vivid. Summer is time to show off neon colours in all your glory from lime green to hot flamingo pink. It’s the alternative to the usual pastel shades often seen in summer trends. The fantastically bright colours represent a kind of upbeat spectrum - and it’s safe to say we all need this right now in a time of political and economic uncertainty? #deep!
Photo credit: DIY Clothes
“No capes”
Yep - you heard it here! Capes are very much en vogue when it comes to this summer’s formal wear trends. Even though Edna Mode from The Incredibles strictly forbade the wearing of capes, they’re a fantastic way to add drama without engaging in a Twitter feud. Capes are set to be the most stylish thing to wear when the sun goes down during the summer months. Hey, capes also come in handy to protect us from sunburn!
Photo credit: Womenzilla
Grunge is still here...and so is the dad look
Of course, we all know grunge is experiencing a second wave of popularity. This summer you’ll most probably find that layers are the mainstay of the season - that means wearing a block-colour t-shirt (or a slim-fit holographic tee!) with a viscose zany-patterned shirt.
The entire “dad” look has also taken the fashion world by storm. This look is similar to the grunge revival style, as it’s made up of baggy checked shirts, big trainers that look like lorries and baseball caps. In fact, when it comes to caps...the practical folding bill hat is quickly becoming a staple for summer, along with 90s-inspired bucket hats (I never thought they would come back into fashion!).
This summer really is the summer of expression - be who you want to be and show your true colours!